Integrity management

The company has set up an administrative department as a dedicated unit to promote honest management, responsible for the formulation, supervision and implementation of honest management policies and prevention plans, and reporting to the board of directors on a regular basis. The company's board of directors and management will actively implement the commitment to the integrity management policy and implement it in internal management and business activities.

Integrity Business Code

  1. Established purpose and scope of application
    In order to establish a corporate culture and sound development of the company and its subsidiaries operating with integrity, this Code has been formulated. The Company's subsidiaries and other enterprises or legal persons directly or indirectly controlled by the Company shall apply the provisions of this Code and may also formulate their own codes of integrity in accordance with the spirit of this Code.
  2. policy
    The company should be based on the business philosophy of integrity, transparency and responsibility, formulate policies based on integrity, and establish good corporate governance and risk control mechanisms to create a business environment for sustainable development.
  3. compliance with laws
    The company shall abide by the Company Law, Commercial Accounting Law, Political Contribution Law, Securities and Exchange Law, Corruption Crime Regulations, Government Procurement Law, Public Officials’ Conflict of Interest Avoidance Law, listing and over-the-counter regulations or other laws and regulations related to business conduct, as a way to implement integrity Basic premise of business.
  4. Prevention plan
    The company should clearly and in detail formulate specific honest management practices and a plan to prevent dishonest behavior (hereinafter referred to as the prevention plan), including operating procedures, behavioral guidelines, education and training, etc. The company's prevention plans should comply with the relevant laws and regulations of the places where the company and its group companies and organizations operate. In the process of formulating prevention plans, the company should communicate with employees, labor unions, important business partners or other stakeholders.
  5. Scope of prevention plan
    When formulating a prevention plan, the company should analyze the business activities with higher risks of dishonest conduct within the business scope and strengthen relevant preventive measures. The preceding paragraph shall cover preventive measures for the following behaviors:
    1. Giving and receiving bribes.
    2. Providing illegal political donations.
    3. Improper charitable donations or sponsorships.
    4. Providing or accepting unreasonable gifts, entertainment or other improper benefits.
    5. Infringement of business secrets, trademark rights, patent rights, copyrights and other intellectual property rights.
    6. Engage in acts of unfair competition.
    7. Products and services that directly or indirectly harm the rights, health and safety of consumers or other stakeholders during the development, procurement, manufacturing, provision or sale.
  6. Dishonest behavior prohibited
    The Company’s directors, managers, employees, appointees or persons with substantial control capabilities (hereinafter referred to as “substantial controllers”) shall not directly or indirectly provide, promise, request or accept any improper interests, or engage in other dishonest acts that violate integrity, illegality, or breach of fiduciary duties in order to obtain or maintain interests (hereinafter referred to as "dishonest acts"). The objects of the behavior in the preceding paragraph include public officials, political candidates, political parties or party officials, as well as any public or private enterprises or institutions and their directors (directors), supervisors (supervisors), managers, employees, and substantial controllers or other interested parties.
  7. form of interest
    The interests mentioned in this Code refer to anything of value, including money, gifts, commissions, positions, services, preferential treatment, kickbacks, etc. in any form or name. However, this does not apply when it is normal social etiquette and is incidental without any risk of affecting specific rights and obligations.
  8. Commitment and execution
    The company should clearly state the policy of honest management in its regulations and external documents, as well as the commitment of the board of directors and management to actively implement the policy of honest management, and implement it in internal management and business activities.
  9. Conduct business activities with integrity
    The company should be based on the principle of good faith management and conduct business activities in a fair and honest manner. Before conducting business transactions, the Company should consider the legality of agents, suppliers, customers or other business transaction partners and whether they involve dishonest behavior, and avoid transactions with those involved in dishonest behavior. The contract signed between the company and its agents, suppliers, customers or other business transaction partners should include clauses that comply with the integrity management policy and that the contract can be terminated or terminated at any time if the counterparty engages in dishonest behavior.
  10. Prohibition of giving and receiving bribes
    The Company and its directors, managers, employees, assignees and substantial controllers shall not, directly or indirectly, disclose any information to customers, agents, contractors, suppliers, public officials or other interested parties when conducting business. Offer, promise, request or accept any form of improper advantage.
  11. Prohibition of illegal political contributions
    The Company and its directors, managers, employees, appointees and substantial controllers shall comply with the Political Contribution Law and relevant internal operating procedures of the Company and shall not make direct or indirect contributions to political parties or organizations or individuals participating in political activities. To seek commercial interests or trading advantages.
  12. No Improper Charitable Donations or Sponsorships
    The Company and its directors, managers, employees, appointees and substantial controllers shall comply with relevant laws and internal operating procedures for charitable donations or sponsorships, and shall not engage in disguised bribery.
  13. Unreasonable gifts, entertainment or other improper benefits are prohibited
    The Company and its directors, managers, employees, assigns and substantial controllers shall not directly or indirectly provide or accept any unreasonable gifts, entertainment or other improper benefits to establish business relationships or influence business transactions.
  14. Infringement of intellectual property rights is prohibited
    The company and its directors, managers, employees, assignees and substantial controllers shall abide by laws and regulations related to intellectual property, the company's internal operating procedures and contract provisions; they shall not use, disclose or dispose of the intellectual property without the consent of the owner of the intellectual property. , damage or otherwise infringe on intellectual property rights.
  15. It is prohibited to engage in unfair competition practices
    The Company shall engage in business activities in accordance with relevant competition laws and shall not fix prices, manipulate bids, limit output and quotas, or share or divide the market by allocating customers, suppliers, operating areas or business types, etc.
  16. Prevent products or services from harming stakeholders
    The Company and its directors, managers, employees, assignees and substantial controllers shall abide by relevant laws and regulations and international standards during the research and development, procurement, manufacturing, provision or sales of products and services to ensure the quality of products and services. Information transparency and security, formulating and disclosing policies to protect the rights and interests of consumers or other stakeholders, and implementing them in operational activities to prevent products or services from directly or indirectly harming the rights, health and safety of consumers or other stakeholders. When there are sufficient facts to confirm that its products and services pose a risk to the safety and health of consumers or other interested parties, in principle, the batch of products should be recalled immediately or its services should be discontinued.
  17. Organization and Responsibility
    The company's directors, managers, employees, assignees and substantial controllers should fulfill the duty of care of good managers, urge the company to prevent dishonest behavior, and review its implementation effectiveness and continuous improvement at any time to ensure the implementation of the honest management policy . In order to improve the management of integrity management, the company should set up a dedicated unit to be responsible for the formulation, supervision and implementation of integrity management policies and prevention plans.
  18. Compliance with laws and regulations for business execution
    The Company's directors, managers, employees, assigns and substantial controllers shall comply with legal requirements and prevention plans when performing business.
  19. avoidance of benefits
    The company should formulate a policy to prevent conflicts of interest to identify, supervise and manage the risks of dishonest behavior that may result from conflicts of interest, and provide appropriate channels for directors, managers and other interested parties attending or attending the board of directors to proactively explain their Are there any potential conflicts of interest with the company? If the company's directors, managers and other interested parties attending or attending the board of directors are interested in the resolutions listed by the board of directors and they themselves or the legal persons they represent, they should explain the important content of their interests to the board of directors at that time. If they are harmful to the When the interests of the company are at stake, they are not allowed to participate in discussions and voting, and they should recuse themselves from discussions and voting, and they are not allowed to exercise their voting rights on behalf of other directors. Directors should also exercise self-discipline and support each other appropriately.
    The directors, managers, employees, assignees and substantial controllers of the Company shall not use their positions or influence in the Company to obtain improper benefits for themselves, their spouses, parents, children or any other person.
  20. Accounting and Internal Control
    The company should establish an effective accounting system and internal control system for business activities with higher risks of dishonest conduct. It should not have external accounts or keep secret accounts, and should review them at any time to ensure that the design and implementation of the system continue to be effective. The company's internal audit unit shall regularly check the compliance with the preceding system, prepare an audit report and submit it to the board of directors, and may appoint accountants to perform the audit and, when necessary, may hire professionals to assist.
  21. Education, training and assessment
    The company's chairman, general manager or senior management should regularly communicate the importance of integrity to directors, employees and appointees. The company should regularly conduct education, training and promotion for directors, managers, employees, appointees and substantial controllers, so that they can fully understand the company's determination, policies, prevention plans and consequences for dishonest behavior. The company should integrate the integrity management policy with employee performance appraisal and human resources policies, and establish a clear and effective reward and punishment system.
  22. Whistleblowing system
    The company should establish a specific reporting system and implement it effectively. Its content should cover the following matters:
    1. Establish and announce an internal independent reporting mailbox and dedicated line, or entrust other external independent organizations to provide reporting mailboxes and dedicated lines for use by internal and external personnel of the company.
    2. Designate a dedicated person or unit to handle reports. Reports involving directors or senior managers should be reported to the chairman of the board, and the categories of reports and standard operating procedures for investigation should be formulated.
    3. Recording and preservation of report case acceptance, investigation process, investigation results and production of relevant documents.
    4. The identity of the whistleblower and the content of the report shall be kept confidential.
    5. Measures to protect whistleblowers from being improperly dealt with due to whistleblowing.
    6. Incentive measures for whistleblowers.
    If the company's dedicated personnel or unit that accepts reports discovers major violations or the company is in danger of major damage, they should immediately make a report and notify the chairman of the board in writing.
  23. Disciplinary and Complaint System
    The company should clearly define and publish a disciplinary and complaint system for violations of integrity management regulations, and promptly disclose information such as the title, name, date of violation, content of the violation, and handling of violations on the company's internal website.
  24. information disclosure
    The company should disclose the measures and implementation status of integrity management on the company website, and disclose the content of the code of integrity management.
  25. Review and revision of integrity management policies and measures
    The company should always pay attention to the development of domestic and foreign regulations related to integrity management, and encourage directors, managers and employees to make suggestions based on which they can review and improve the company's integrity management policies and promotion measures to enhance the company's implementation effectiveness of integrity management.
  26. implement
    These Measures shall be promulgated and implemented after approval by the General Manager. The same shall apply when revised or abolished.
  27. Version
    This code was established on March 14, 113, the Republic of China.